Sunday 13 December 2015

what is spatial Modulation?

Spatial Modulation:
Having one (or few) active RF chains but still being able to exploit all transmit-antenna elements for multiplexing and transmit-diversity gains. Offering Maximum-Likelihood (ML) optimum decoding performance with single-stream decoding complexity Working without the need of (power inefficient) linear modulation schemes (QAM) or allowing us to use constant envelope modulation (PSK) with negligible performance degradation

                Line of sight (LoS) is a type of propagation that can transmit and receive data only where transmit and receive stations are in view of each other without any sort of an obstacle between them. FM radio, microwave and satellite transmission are examples of line-of-sight communication.  We use space shift keying (SSK)  to present the idea of spatial modulation in line-of-sight (LOS) conditions and show under which conditions high performance can be achieved. The proposed framework is general and can be extended to generalized spatial modulation schemes .LOS transmission is typically seen in point-to-point communication (e.g., backhaul) and millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications.At mm Wave frequencies, the propagation is quasi-optical, sparsely scattered and with large reflection loss (typically 10 dB on average with 4 dB RMS deviation . To focus on our main target—to establish the operating conditions for LOS-SSK—and also for simplicity, only LOS components are considered

                                                           Fig: Line of sight communication

We have shown that SSK can operate efficiently in LOS conditions. Two operating conditions, namely OSSK and BiSSK, are established. A system setup with dual TX arrays and single RX array is proposed to achieve BiSSK. The BEP for both schemes are derived and given in closed form.we analyses to Bit error performance.


Space Shift Keying for LOS Communication at mmWave Frequencies

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