Monday 23 November 2015

MIMO OFDM Systems in On-Ship Below-Deck Environments


Multiple-input multiple-output, or MIMO, is a radio communications technology or RF technology that is being mentioned and used in many new technologies these days.Wi-Fi, LTE; Long Term Evolution, and many other radio, wireless and RF technologies are using the new MIMO wireless technology to provide increased link capacity and spectral efficiency combined with improved link reliability using what were previously seen as interference paths.
Even now many there are many MIMO wireless routers on the market, and as this RF technology is becoming more widespread, more MIMO routers and other items of wireless MIMO equipment will be seen.

                                                                Fig: Below Deck Environments


             There has been increased  interest in characterizing electromagnetic propagation in below-deck environments of naval vessels for the purpose of deploying wireless networks. Below-deck spaces are predominantly metal structures. These spaces constitute multipath-rich environments that introduce distinct challenges for deploying wireless networks. The RF spectrum on ships also introduces active radar and communication signals, emissions from working machinery, and interference by personnel on board  Still, deploying wireless networks in below-deck spaces is desirable as it offers significant potential in augmenting, and in some applications, replacing current wired network infrastructure.
The primary contribution of this letter is the quantification of the improvements in capacity, signal integrity, and throughput that can be observed through the use of OFDM and multi antenna techniques in below-deck environments.


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